Boardworks recently took a day to hang out in the sun, grill up some dogs, and play on skateboards at the Boardworks Skate BBQ. We setup our parking lot with slappy (parking) blocks, a hippy jump bar, and a downhill course feeding into the parking lot. While skating down hills as fast as possible is a ton of fun, not everyone is down to get down hills super fast. But pretty much everyone enjoys putting around a parking lot and hanging out with friends. I mean, who can honestly say that slappies aren't fun?
After seshing outside the shop and getting warmed up, we had people compete in various skate challenges for a bunch of rad swag supplied by Boardworks, RipTide Sports, Black Dog Longboards, and Omen Boards. Whether riders were hippy jumping for bushings or sliding for a new deck, pretty much everyone came away with some cool new swag from our generous sponsors.
All photos provided by Robert McCarty (aka @robrmccarty).
Spectators set up around the sides of the parking lot to hang out, eat free food, and watch participants skate.

The Groms being goobers and having a good time.

To warm up everyone took turn seshing the parking lot corner and watching the homies skate.

Shop manager, Nate Braks, picking out the next feature to skate.

Shop rider, Eli Friesen scrubbing out a Toe-toeside through the chunder.

But Mervyn Victoria ended up winning the hippy jump comp handedly, continueing to clear the bar a few pegs after the competition was eliminated. Congrats Merv!
Next everyone lined up for the ollie competition.

Nate Braks riding his crazy looking Black Dog prototype and blasting some slides.
Seattle grom Micah McCarty pre-drifiting a big old pintail.
Shop rider Oliver Wermus sliding his way through the parking lot entrance.
The homie Marco Thody looking real stylish with his toe-side standups.
Shop riders Eli Friesen and Oliver Wermus taking a run together.
Trevor Nottingham setting up for the corner...
....and then almost blasting straight through the homies.
Once warm-up was done the Heckle-squad took to the announcers stand.
Shop owner, Johnny Lupo, and Boardworks employee Cole Wydrowski set up the hippy jump bar.
Starting off the competitions with the hippy jump, we set the bar low and gave everyone three tries to clear the bar...
As everyone got a turn to try jumping over the bar, we would raise the bar a few pegs...
Once you got three strikes you were out. and the bar got higher and higher as everyone got their turn.
Micah here clearing the bar with plenty of room.
The Seattle boys made it up to hang out and skate too! Here is Forrest Anton-Erik starting things up with a hippy jump sex change over the bar.
Nate Braks here trying to get especially boosted over the bar...
Bham local grom Ivan showing that one board is way too low for him.
Ivan ended up being one of the last 2 contestants attempting to ollie 3 boards.
Cole Wydrowski ended up showing all the longboarders that the ollie comp was best left to the street skaters...
We ended the day with best slappy, best flat ground line, and best slide. By the end of the event almost everyone had come away with a prize or free swag to take home. Big thank you to Riptide Sports, Black Dog Longboards, and Omen Boards for providing tons of awesome prizes. The scene truly thrives when awesome companies like these re-invest in the community itself. So make sure to check them out.
RipTide Sports
Black Dog Longboards
Omen Boards
All photos provided by Robert McCarty (aka @robrmccarty). Thanks Rob! Give him a follow below!
Rob McCarty Photography Facebook Page