Snowboard Repair Services

A proper wax is vital to a good day on the hill. Most snowboards should be waxed at least every 3-5 times you ride. How often you should get your board waxed depends on the snow conditions you have been riding, and the type of base your snowboard has [sintered vs. extruded].

Our basic hot wax package includes a light gummi stone rub to remove any rust on the edges, a detuning of the contact points, a nice base cleaning / wipe down, followed by a hand-ironed, dripped, all temp wax. Once the wax cools, we scrape off all the surface level wax coating and buff/polish the base to our liking. We use a diamond patterned roto brush with a horsehair/ brass combo for excellent structure and fine polish for maximum speed on the snow.

Our basic hot wax package includes a light gummi stone rub to remove any rust on the edges, a detuning of the contact points, a nice base cleaning / wipe down, followed by a hand-ironed, dripped, all temp wax. Once the wax cools, we scrape off all the surface level wax coating and buff/polish the base to our liking. We use a diamond patterned roto brush with a horsehair/ brass combo for excellent structure and fine polish for maximum speed on the snow.
If you are asking yourself, "Does this rust slow me down in the snow?" you are DUE for a proper edge tuning. A nice sharp edge will give you the grip you need to break that fall on hard-pack snow. It will also give you the confidence to lock into your rail when flying down the mountain at higher speeds. On the other hand, you might want to go with a less catchy edge for boxes and rails, and we can change the bevel angle to accommodate that. This package is priced at $35.

Our wax & edge package comes with a standard, sharp one degree [1°=91°] machine bevel, followed by a hand filing in the same degree. Then we fine polish the edge using performance diamond stones and finish with a hand-ironed hot wax.
Our basic tune is what most of our customers think or hope that they need. But a basic tune is NOT for those with heavy base gauging, core shots, delams, etc. [see full tune]. A basic tune is for boards that need a light sprucing up. Boards must only need minimal maintenance to get the proper effect of a basic tune. At $45.00 your basic tune package will come with a light, 1-2 belt grind, an edge grind / polish / sharpen and a hand-ironed hot wax.
This is where the meat of what we do here comes into play. For any major board repair, restoration, or major modification, you will be in the full tune realm. The absolute base price on this level work is $60.00. Any additional repair modifications are additional to that price [i.e. base weld, base patch, p-tex, edge replacement, etc.]. In our full tune package you will receive a moderate to heavy 3 belt grind. From there, your board will get an edge bevel / sharpen / polish & and hot wax. Additional work price is determined by discussion between your Boardworks technician and the customer.

A frequent question we are asked is "what is the fastest wax for spring and summer like snow conditions?". The answer is that yes, there are a couple waxes that help in the corn or slush. But the only wax to go FAST in the wet n' warm conditions is to get a STONE GRIND! Yes, they are expensive. But only because it requires a lot of work. What a stone grind does is grind down grooves into the base of your board to allow the watery snow to shoot through those channels, instead of suctioning the base to the ground. Add a technician- suggested warm wax to any stone grind for an additional $5.00 wax upgrade charge. This package starts at $75.
If you have a large area of exposed core and/or fiberglass near and edge, a lot of places will tell you your board is toast. Here at boardworks we know better. Instead of retiring your board, we are able to install a base patch that effectively replaces the section of missing base material near the edge of your board. All of our extruded welds, base welds, and base patches are guaranteed for one year or a hundred days of riding, whichever comes first.

A broken edge and/or sidewall delamination can feel like a day ruiner at the mountain. Lucky for you, we fix edge breaks and sidewall delaminations all the time. Whether you need a delam fixed, an edge put back in place, or a full on edge replacement, we can handle it.

Have an old deck you are tired of but can't afford a new one? Give that old board a new tail shape and revitalize your stoke! We specialize in deck reshaping. If you have a shape or design in mind, we can reshape it however your heart desires. Or, if you need some guidance or ideas, we can help you pick a new shape. Custom chops are $75, and include a light tune and wax.

If you wish your favorite deck still looked shiny and new, we can do that too! Bring us an old deck with a dingy topsheet, and we will make that thing shine. Topsheet restoration is one of the most difficult services we offer. It takes a lot of time and effort, so it doesn't come cheap. Pricing is on a case-by-case basis.

Have an old classic board that could use some restoration help? We specialize in vintage snowboard repair. We do everything from base restoration, to edge replacements, to topsheet paint removal on vintage snowboards.
Have an old classic board that could use some restoration help? We specialize in vintage snowboard repair. We do everything from base restoration, to edge replacements, to topsheet paint removal on vintage snowboards.

Service By Mail
If you would like to have your snowboard serviced by mail, you must pay for shipping both ways. If you would like to provide your own return shipping label, you must ship the label with your board when you send it to us for service. If you do not send us a shipping label with your board, you will be charged a flat-rate shipping and handling fee of $40.00. Services by mail are a minimum of $100 before shipping and taxes. This means even if your board only needs an edge and wax, you will pay $100 for the edge and wax. We recommend using service by mail for major repairs that other shops are not able or willing to do.
If you would like a quote for repairing / restoring your board, please contact us by email ( with detailed photos and give us a call at (360) 526-2181 to discuss the repairs. Or better yet, swing by the shop with your board!