For this art show, we called on artists to create a custom graphic on a retired snowboard.
If artists did not have their own snowboard to paint, they were able to get one from us for just $20. All of these snowboards were warranty boards that we purchased from companies Boardworks carries. These boards were broken enough that they are not worth fixing but were still in good enough shape to provide a good canvas.
Artists who participated in the Snowboard Art Show also got a $5.00 off coupon from Dakota Art Store.
If you include the vintage boards at Boardworks with the submitted art pieces, there was a whopping 194 snowboards on display.
Below are photos of the art show submissions. Pieces were made with a variety of mediums from pen and ink, acrylic paints, sculpture, and more.

Artist: Andy Braks

Artist: Rainey Woodward

Artist: Morgan Scott
Instagram: @memes.against.the.machine

Artist: Mary Ann
Instagram: @mary.magdelen

Artist: Shaker Boy
Instagram: @shaker_boy3

Artist: Kayla Thetford
Instagram: @kaylathetford

Artist: Teanna Hoisey
Instagram: @artbyteanna

Artist: Mandy Borgatta
Instagram: @__cat_dad__

Artist: Your Mom

Artist: Nat Milsap
Instagram: @artbynatmilsap

Artist: Devin Paguette
Instagram: @obsidian.teeth

Artist: Johnny Lupo
Instagram: @johnny_loophole

Artist: Griz
Instagram: @sold.studios

Artist: Griz
Instagram: @sold.studios

Artist: Grace Taylor
Instagram: @blades.of_grass

Artist: Nick Welch
Instagram: @raventeeth_craftworks

Artist: Justice Holmes
Instagram: @just_ice.542

Artist: Jake Koetje

Artist: Adrian Martinez
Instagram: @adrianmartineztattoo

Artist: Mayhsa Deol
Instagram: @mayhs.a

Artist: Kris Ley
Instagram: @kristoferley

Artist: Kris Ley
Instagram: @kristoferley

Artist: Tawny Davis
Instagram: @tawnydavisart

Artist: Dalton McDowell
Instagram: @mac_n_steezy

Artist: Kelda Rial
Instagram: @Keldelic

Artist: Jake Koetje

Artist: Kyle Loerzel
Instagram: @timelesstrut_tattoo

Artist: Adrian Martinez
Instagram: @adrianmartineztattoo

Artist: Paige Heinen
Instagram: @yogurtbones

Artist: Liam Dickinson
Instagram: @pharaohs.sparrows

Artist: Tawny Davis
Instagram: @tawny.davisart

Artist: Bailey Lupo
Instagram: @raisingwolvez

Elizabeth Murray

Artist: Quincy Quigg
Instagram: @q_quigg

Artist: Huck McClaran
Instagram: @huckleberry_draws

Artist: Elly McFarland
Instagram: @telemcfarland