Terms and Conditions: Buy Any Pair of Snowboard Boots Get a $100 Snowboard Tune Voucher
Terms and Conditions:
Buy Any Pair of Snowboard Boots Get a $100 Snowboard Tune Voucher
- Offer ends November 19th 2023.
- Voucher must be redeemed before expiration date on voucher.
- This deal is offered IN STORE ONLY. Online purchases of snowboard boots will not receive a tune voucher.
Snowboards must be dropped off in store. Snowboard service by mail is not eligible to use voucher.
Only full price snowboard boots are eligible to receive a $100 tune voucher. Sale items are NOT ELIGIBLE to receive a tune voucher.
- Items designated as powsurf boots by Boardworks Tech Shop ARE NOT eligible for a tune voucher.
- This deal CANNOT be combined with any other discounts or offers.
- Tune voucher can only be used for ONE TUNE on ONE piece of equipment..